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골다공증 치료에 사용되는 UVB 293nm 295nm 297nm LED 기술

골다공증은 뼈의 질량이 감소하는 것을 특징으로 하는 전신성 뼈 질환입니다., 미세구조적 손상, 뼈 취약성 증가, 그리고 골절 경향. 비타민D 결핍은 골다공증의 원인이 됩니다, 구루병, 기타 대사성 뼈 질환. Adequate vitamin D supplementation is crucial for treating osteoporosis, but traditional methods such as medication may pose risks of toxicity and require regular monitoring of calcium and phosphorus levels. Sunlight exposure, while convenient, has limitations such as limited coverage, skin aging, and uncontrollable light intensity.

Artificial Light Source for Osteoporosis Treatment

Currently, the treatment of osteoporosis with artificial light sources primarily involves the use of 280-350nm fluorescent lamps, significantly increasing vitamin D levels. However, fluorescent lamps have broad spectra, making it challenging to filter out unfavorable wavelengths. The fixed wavelength and large size of phototherapy devices limit their effectiveness in treating osteoporosis. There is a need for a more optimal artificial light source.

Advancements with UVB LED Technology

With the evolution of UVB LED technology, UVB LEDs address the shortcomings of fluorescent lamps. UVB LEDs have a narrow wavelength range (10nm), effectively filtering out undesirable wavelengths and allowing for the selection of the optimal wavelength. They offer longer lifespans, lower energy consumption, and greater stability. Phototherapy devices utilizing UVB LEDs can be wearable, providing a safe, comfortable, and easily controllable treatment experience.








Research Findings and Optimal Parameters

Studies conducted by the Medical and Engineering Integration Research Institute at Beijing Institute of Technology indicate that the optimal wavelength for UVB LED modulation of osteoporosis is 293nm. Compared to sunlight, UVB LED at 293nm more effectively generates vitamin D3 in skin samples. A 0.52-minute exposure to UVB LED produced more than twice the amount of vitamin D3 as a 32.5-minute exposure to sunlight. A wavelength of 293nm, power of 0.4mW/cm², and 1000s exposure constitute a safe dose of narrowband UVB LED irradiation, with no harm to the skin, enabling non-invasive phototherapy for osteoporosis.

Boston University School of Medicine conducted tests on UVB LEDs with different wavelengths and sources. The 293nm LED exhibited the maximum potential for vitamin D3 generation in the shortest time. This research opens doors to a new generation of photobiology techniques, utilizing LEDs with specific wavelengths to induce targeted biological effects in human skin, aiding in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.

Potential Impact and Future Developments

Yingfeng Optoelectronics recognizes the significant potential of UVB LED technology in phototherapy. The company’s 293nm UVB LED holds promise for innovative applications in treating osteoporosis, potentially improving and saving lives. National epidemiological studies indicate a total osteoporosis prevalence of 12.4% in China, exceeding 160 million people, making it the country with the highest number of osteoporosis patients globally. We believe that with the efforts of research teams and groundbreaking work in UVB LED technology, innovative treatment solutions may soon emerge to assist millions of individuals.




끄다, 특별히 당신을 위하여 골다공증 치료에 사용되는 UVB 293nm 295nm 297nm LED 기술 - 소식 - 2

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