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LED UVA/produto/



LED UVA 3535 silica gel Lens Series


Characteristics of the

Provide UVA full band coverage program and application solutions

Customized solutions can be provided according to customer applications

Full-power, high-brightness series coverage to meet different applications.

Good color consistency, good brightness consistency

WPE 4.5% for mass-produced series products

Low thermal resistance, low attenuation, long life up to 30000H.

Wide range of UVA wavelengths: 365 nm to 440 nm.

Vertical chip technology enables extremely high UV power from compact packages.

High conductivity copper coreboard and ceramic packages for thermal management.

Unencapsulated die with low profile windows facilitates high irradiance and efficient coupling into small-etendue systems.

Large operating dynamic range

Em estoque:10800



  • Ideal solid state sources for 3D printing, fiber coupling and other etendue limited applications.
  • Integrated Chip-On-Board design for ease of system integration and optimum cooling.
  • Ultra-high Watts/mm2 from high current operation maximizes performance in curing and industrial applications.
  • Médico & industrial grade products with minimal product changes to support multi-year life-cycle of medical instruments.
  • Curing
  • 3D Printing
  • Spectrum detection
  • Médico
  • Endoscopy
  • Horticulture
  • Visão de máquina
  • Maskless Lithography
  • Scientific Instrumentation


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