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  • The Yingfeng ® 5050 Surface Mount SWR LEDs are energy-efficient LEDs that can be driven at high driving current and can dissipate heat efficiently, resulting in higher reliability. Their low-profile package design addresses a wide variety of applications where superior robustness and high efficiency are required. They are packaged with ceramic-based materials, and the Silica gel lens on top of the package provides the product longevity needed for the respective end applications.The 5050 COB Surface Mount SWIR LEDs are compatible with the reflow soldering process. To facilitate easy pick-and-place assembly, the LEDs are packed in tape and reel. Each reel is shipped in single flux and single color bin to ensure close uniformity.
  • Ultra-high Watts/cm2 from high current operation maximizes performance in Medical imagingand industrial applications.
  • Médical & produits de qualité industrielle avec un minimum de modifications de produit pour prendre en charge le cycle de vie de plusieurs années des instruments médicaux.

En stock:10000


Short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) light is useful in applications that rely on the identification of a target substance or material. A key characteristic of this type of light is that target materials, especially organic materials, often have unique transmission (reflectivity) and absorption properties when exposed to SWIR.

By identifying the absorption and transmission wavelengths of your chosen materials,Yingfeng SWIR LEDs and sensors can take your application beyond the restrictions of the visible world.


Liquid Level Inspection

Optical Food Sorting

Road Surface Condition

Silicon Defect Inspection

Solar Simulation

Vital Signs Monitoring


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