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: hehualan@chyingfeng.com : 0755-81707311 |


продукт/Инфракрасный светодиод/



The high power IR LEDs are available in 700 nm and 1750 nm peak wavelength range,Industry’s most robust high power ceramic package with glass
lens for high performance over life

Choose the ideal wavelength for your application, with a selection of LEDs available in 20 нм (shorter than 1,000 нм) и 100 нм (longer than 1,000 нм) increments.

Appropriate for specific devices such as infrared illumination and surveillance systems.

The low-profile package design and ultra-small footprint is suitable for a wide variety of applications, especially where space and height is a constraint.

The package is compatible with reflow soldering process.

To facilitate easy pick and place assembly, светодиоды упакованы в ленту и катушку.

Single and Dual Junction LEDs with high power density and uniform emission

Available in peak wavelength 700 nm and 1750 нм

Two parallel and two series electrical configuration

High radiant intensity & High radiant power

Low forward voltage & RoHS and REACh compliant

Customizable Lens Viewing Angles: 60° | 120°

Multiple package configurations (5.0mm x 5.0mm SMT or large copper-coreboard packages)

They are compatible with the reflow soldering process, and the silicone encapsulation ensures product superiority and longevity.


В наличии:5000

Infrared led Emitting Diode ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ

Infrared illumination for cameras &Surveillance systems

Home appliance & Light curtains & Industrial sensing & Surveillance Systems/CCTV & Iris and Face Recognition

License Plate Scanning & Automotive Sensing & Night Vision & Infrared illumination

Машинное зрение & Inspection & Fiber-coupled Illumination & Медицинское и научное приборостроение

Substance / Matter Analysis & Sorting Units (by raw material, by colour, etc.)

Detection of Foreign Matter & Blood Oxygen Saturation Analysis

Endoscopic Procedures & Солнечное моделирование & Silicon Wafer Inspection & Photo Dynamic Therapy

Instrument Diagnostics and Research Execution & Spectroscopy & Hyperspectral Imaging


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